Mirror Lake
Design development - Constructed
Studio: LANDMark
Landscape Design and Special features
Design Team: Matthew Getch, Gabriel Tanase, Cristina Morbi

RAINWATER PAVILLON Water is the key agent of our design for this new development in China, generating a reflection performance.
Designing interlocking rooms, which create an intimate place in the landscape, our design aims to collect rainwater to create reflection pool and illusions. Six pavillons host different activities for the local community, allowing the appropriation of space: swings, small courtyard gardens, sunken plazas and arboretum.
Challenging the climate of Shanghai, with heavy rainfalls, the landscape collect water and creates unexpected reflections, with water planting to clean and purifying the ponds.
MIRRORED ARBORETUM The most poetic lieu, the Arboretum, reflects the bonsai andthe different botanical species, exhibited as in a landscape cabinet of curiosities.
Mirror Lake use the sponge city concept and adapts it to a poetical vision of landscape.